Sprouts in the City Episode 3

Full disclaimer here, the beans featured in this video are no longer with us, partially due to the technique that I’m showing you here. Now, you might be saying to yourself, “Why would Morgan disclose this information that will surely tarnish my view of her as an expert in this field?!”

I don’t actually see myself as an expert in this field. I’m showing you what I’m doing and what I think will work to the best of my knowledge. I want to show all my experiments because I want to show how easy it is to try. If I’m not afraid of failure what can I accomplish? These beans happened to die because they got caught in a wind storm that blew them over. Their demise was a combination of their wimpy trellis I made, as well as my impatience to get them outside, likely before the weather was mild enough. This is the fun of gardening, the stakes are very low (pun intended) and therefore you leave room to learn, both about the plants and about yourself. This is a lesson in patience and perseverance. Ultimately, I planted beans outside once it was warm enough and they’re growing now alongside my sunchokes; another experiment.


Sprouts in the City Episode 2