MissProduce verb

/mis/ /prəˈd(y)o͞os/

To achieve a goal in the unconventional fashion, bypassing norms to reach a superior result.

Keep It Fresh

MissProduce is a production company focused on the creative. The voices of our talent are unique and the content epitomizes authenticity. We exalt sustainability, diversity and ethics.

Do what you love.

Do what you love is the guiding principle of MissProduce. This company was the answer to the question, “How can we create interesting, engaging, down to earth media that speaks to people from many walks of life?”  Our founder believes that if we can educate and entertain about issues like sustainability and healthy eating, we can make real and lasting changes to society. Since her expertise is food, that’s where we’re starting! 


Morgan Lee


Morgan Lee is a food media obsessive. Her passion for food television was cause for teasing as a youngster and the advent of YouTube only increased her consumption. Her past experiences and studies now put her in a unique position to create entertaining, lasting content with wide appeal.